Imagine the Universe!

Time for Radar Signal to Return to Earth

An important consideration (since you want to still be alive when you work for Dr. Greenglow!) is just how long it would take to complete this experiment and get the measurement you need. The light signal from the probe travels at the speed of light, which is the ultimate speed limit, but the probe must travel much slower. Also, the distances between stars is huge, so this experiment might still require a long time to complete. The the time for a light signal to travel to HT Cas and back is a measure of the absolute minimum time this experiment could take. It is an easy matter to calculate how long this approach will take, once you know the distance to HT Cas.

The total distance traveled would be twice the distance to HT Cas, or 2 x 140 parsecs.

time formula

: years.

Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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